Sick bank Policies and Procedures
1. Effective August 2006, all current District teachers and all new hires shall automatically belong to the Sick Leave Bank unless the teacher completes and submits the opt out to the sick bank chairperson prior to August 15 of each year. The decision to not participate may be reversed within seven (7) school days after August 15. After this time period, the decision is permanent. Only teachers who contribute the assessment will be eligible to participate in the Bank. Membership is effective until Sick Bank days are depleted and an additional assessment is made. If Sick Bank days are depleted, the Sick Bank Board will require one (1) additional day be donated to the Bank by each member. Teachers who do not belong to the Sick Leave Bank, may not join the bank until the next open enrollment period during August of the following school year.
2. New teachers may opt out within ten (10) duty days if hired after the start of the school year.
3. Half-time teachers will contribute one-half (1/2) day and will be eligible for a maximum benefit of forty-five (45) days.
4. Only teachers who contribute will be eligible to participate in the Sick Leave Bank. Benefits of the Bank shall be restricted solely to a physical or mental condition or illness of members that renders the member unable to work, as verified by a doctor only. Pregnancy, by itself is not considered an illness or condition eligible for sick leave bank. Leave due to complications of pregnancy and/or after delivery (including c-sections), or recovery from delivery will be considered per Operational Guidelines. Cases of job-connected absences are not eligible for Sick Bank use; however, they are covered by Workmen’s Compensation benefits. Additional training time related to Choices for Learning Schools will not be covered by the sick bank. The only days eligible for sick bank coverage will be those scheduled days that count toward the 186 contracted days or 1450 hours. These days will be determined from each individual school calendar.
5. Previously approved unpaid Board leave cannot be converted to paid leave through the sick bank.
6. The first seven (7) days for first year teachers and the first fifteen (15) days for all other teachers of cumulative leave used consecutively for each illness EACH SCHOOL YEAR by a teacher will not be covered by the Bank, but must be covered by the teacher’s own accumulated leave or leave days without pay. Each year, after the initial request, and prior to each succeeding request from an individual member, the first fifteen (15) consecutive days of leave for each illness will not be covered by the Bank, but must be covered by the teacher’s own accumulated leave or leave without pay. The Sick Leave Bank Board may make exceptions.
7. All applications for benefits of the Sick Bank will be made in writing on the appropriate application form provided by the Sick Bank Board. These forms are available from the Sick Bank Chairperson. Applications for benefits will be sent directly to the Sick Bank Chairperson. All applications must be accompanied by a doctor’s statement specifying the nature of the illness, the days and extensiveness of medical service to the teacher, and the date of the patient’s release for return to teaching duties. Application is necessary for each illness. At the discretion of the Sick Leave Bank, an additional doctor’s statement obtained from a doctor chosen from a list of doctors supplied by the Sick Leave Bank Board may be required. Initial application for benefits may begin on the first duty day of the school year. Doctor notes must specify that the teacher is unable to work due to condition/illness. Applications accompanied by notes that “recommend” or “suggest” that the teacher not work shall not be considered for application to the sick bank. FMLA forms will not be accepted in lieu of doctor notes.
8. A maximum of ninety (90) days each school year/illness (45 for ½ time) may be drawn by any one member. These days may be granted in increments smaller than ninety (90) days at the discretion of the Sick Leave Bank Board. Beginning with the 2006 school year there shall be a vesting process for the sick bank. All teachers that were members in the 2005 school year will be fully vested if they do not opt out for the 2006 school year. The vesting process for all others shall be as follows:
the first year a teacher belongs to the sick bank, they shall be eligible for a total of ten (10) days from the sick bank.
the second consecutive year a teacher belongs to the sick bank, they shall be eligible for an additional fifteen (15) days for a total of twenty-five (25) days from the sick bank.
the third consecutive year a teacher belongs to the sick bank, they shall be eligible for a total of ninety (90) days from the sick bank.
If at any time, a teacher chooses to opt out of the sick bank, they must begin the vesting process again.
9. The Sick Leave Bank Board is composed of five (5) persons. Four (4) persons will be appointed by the Association President and confirmed by the Executive Committee. Terms on the Sick Leave Bank Board shall be one (1) year. At least one (1) member of the Association Executive Committee will be a member of the Sick Leave Bank Board. One (1) person from the district administration shall be a member of the Sick Leave Bank Board. Responsibility for administration of the Sick Bank is vested in the Sick Bank Board. Should a dispute arise or should the number of days requested exceed the number of days remaining in the Sick Bank, final disposition will be rendered by the Sick Bank Board and is not grievable. A simple majority of the Sick Bank is necessary for decisions regarding the use of the Bank. Members of the Sick Leave Bank Board shall be limited to members of the Mapleton Education Association, except for the administrative position. Appointment to the Sick Leave Bank Board will be made by June 15th for the succeeding school year from a list of interested applicants submitted to the Association President.
10. Failure to comply with any of the established guidelines will result in termination of membership in the Sick Bank.
11. If an application or accompanying doctor’s note is not submitted as soon as practicable within 30 days of medical need, the Sick Bank Board is not obligated to consider the application. Applications or notes submitted more than 30 days following onset will not be considered.