METS Scholarships Guidelines


1. Each person may apply for and receive one (1) scholarship per school year.

2. Applicants may not receive more than two scholarships in three years.

3. New applicants will receive priority over repeat applicants in order to offer the opportunity to as many members as possible.

4. Scholarships will not exceed a total value of $250.00 per school year.

5. Members must submit a completed application form to the MEA Executive Committee by the 15th of each month as we meet the third Thursday of the month.

6. Scholarships will be given until the allocated money is exhausted.

7. Scholarships are only for conferences, training, or further education, not for classroom supplies and materials, professional memberships, travel expenses, or substitutes.

8. Scholarship money will be paid directly to the member as a reimbursement once application is approved and a receipt showing total paid by member is provided.

9. Scholarship requests for course training in Administration or Principal Licensure will not be considered. The priority for these scholarships is to improve and increase teacher learning as it relates to the classroom and the students.

METS Scholarships Application